This page displays a list of work schedules assigned to you. To view your schedules in a calendar view, select ‘My Calendar’ option.
To add your availability, choose a date and click the Plus icon the Add Availability pop-up will appear.
End date: Set shift end date. It can be the same day or any future
I’m available to work: Check-mark this option, if you are available on
the selected date(s)
I’m unavailable to work: Check-mark this option, if you are unavailable
for work
Start Time: Shift start time
End Time: Shift end time
Note: Set the option ‘All Day’ to ‘Yes’ if you are available for the
entire day
Repeats: Set this option to ‘Yes’ if you wish to repeat the shift
availability timings. You can repeat it for every day, every week,
or every second week.
Every Day: Select this option if you are available for all days for the
given timings. The records will be created for all days.
Every week: Select the days on which you are available in a week. The
records will be created for the selected days in a week from the
start date.
Every Second Week: Select the days on which you are available in a week.
The records will be created in the second week from the given start
After providing all the details click Save .
To delete the availability information, click the Delete button. A confirmation pop-up will appear click OK .
Click the Swap Shift Request button, a pop-up will appear. Select with who you would like to swap your shift, enter the reason, and click Request Swap button.
Note: Once the request is approved and the shift is swapped, icon will appear on specific date.
To drop a shift, click the Drop Shift button, a pop-up will appear, enter the reason and click OK .